The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, BMBWF) has approved the proposal for the establishment of a Mixed Reality Lab at TU Wien. The MR Lab is conceptualized and coordinated by Prof. Hannes Kaufmann, head of Research Unit Virtual and Augmented Reality (E193-03), and will serve as a center for collaboration and interdisciplinary research in Austria. The MR Lab will provide to the participating partner institutions the technological basis for conducting basic and applied research in areas ranging from Industry 4.0 to Physics, Civil Engineering, Archaeology, Biology, Architecture and other fields.
Draft Sketch of the MR Lab
The details of the equipment provided in the MR Lab are still under development, however it is expected that the installations will include a high-quality spatial audio simulation system, a 3D-capable LED CAVE, a large-scale tracking and motion capture system and a range of head-mounted displays. TU Wien has already acquired a high-precision Riegl scanner and a Boston Dynamics Spot robot that will also be part of the MR Lab.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Acoustics Research Institute
Research Group Visualization and Data Analysis, Universität Wien
Center for Molecular Biology (Max Perutz Labs), Universität Wien
VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH
The MR Lab will be located in the ground floor of the building of the Faculty of Informatics, Favoritenstrasse 9-11.
( Location )