- 2024Publication
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Reading Music Systems
- 2024Publication
Influence of Rotation Gains on Unintended Positional Drift during Virtual Steering Navigation in Virtual Reality
- 2024Publication
Supporting Human–Robot Interaction by Projected Augmented Reality and a Brain Interface
- 2024Publication
ProjectVerse: Making VR Research Visible in VR
- 2024Presentation
Reconstructing Curves from Sparse Samples on Riemannian Manifolds
- 2024Publication
Digital Ecosystem to enable Circular Buildings – The Circular Twin Framework Proposal
- 2024Publication
Visualizing Group Structure in Compound Graphs: The Current State, Lessons Learned, and Outstanding Opportunities
- 2024Publication
Enhancing human-robot collaboration: Augmented reality interfaces for smarter path planning
- 2024Publication
Storytelling in the Metaverse: From Desktop to Immersive Virtual Reality Storyboarding
- 2024Thesis
Plant detection and state classification with machine learning
- 2024Thesis
3D head tracking and gesture recognition using an 8-by-8 array of infrared sensors
- 2024Thesis
Towards improving Monte Carlo tree search for games with imperfect information
- 2024Thesis
Political opinion analysis and figure of speech detection : Topic and opinion type classification in the political context; alliteration and hyperbole detedction
- 2024Thesis
Redundant Edges and Parallel Algorithms in Binary Irregular Graph Pyramids
- 2024Thesis
Integrating azure kinect data into a real-time planned-vs-built comparsion pipeline
- 2024Publication
Stiffness simulation with haptic feedback using robotic gripper and paper Origami as end-effector
- 2024Publication
Distance transform in images and connected plane graphs
- 2024Publication
Towards Full Body Co-Embodiment of Human and Non-Human Avatars in Virtual Reality
- 2024Publication
Spatial Awareness and User Preferences during Group Locomotion in Virtual Reality: A Study with Four-User Groups
- 2024Publication
Parameter-free connectivity for point clouds
- 2024Thesis
Artificially Intelligent Political Agents
- 2024Thesis
Human Gait Analysis: Machine Learning-Based Classification of Gait Disorders
- 2024Publication
Distributed Surface Reconstruction
- 2024Publication
Reconstructing Curves from Sparse Samples on Riemannian Manifolds
- 2024Thesis
Deep Learning-based Light Source Estimation from Face Images
- 2024Thesis
Music Semantic Reconstruction with Deep Learning : Learning How to Construct Music Notation Graphs With Graphs Neural Networks
- 2024Thesis
SynVis: Digitising Grapheme-Colour Synaesthesia Through Augmented Reality
- 2024Thesis
Embodied Conversational Agent for Urban Exploration of Historical Places in Virtual Reality
- 2024Thesis
Automated Digital Content Creation from Point Clouds and Image Data
- 2024Publication
RE:Stock Industry: Digital Framework for The Circular Reuse of Existing Structures for Vertical Production
- 2024Publication
Offistretch: camera-based real-time feedback for daily stretching exercises
- 2024Publication
Does mixed reality influence joint action? Impact of the mixed reality setup on users’ behavior and spatial interaction
- 2024Publication
Analysis of Tennis Forehand Technique using Machine Learning
- 2024Publication
SING: Stability-Incorporated Neighborhood Graph
- 2023Publication
Evaluation of Virtual Reality for Early-Stage Structure and Production Planning for Industrial Buildings
- 2023Publication
Embodied Conversational Agents with Situation Awareness for Training in Virtual Reality
- 2023Publication
Ownership Estimation for Tracked Hands in a Colocated VR Environment
- 2023Publication
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reading Music Systems
- 2023Publication
A systematic evaluation of an RTK-GPS device for wearable augmented reality
- 2023Publication
Joint Action in Collaborative Mixed Reality: Effects of Immersion Type and Physical Location
- 2023Publication
Reducing the Computational Complexity of the Eccentricity Transform of a Tree
- 2023Publication
Temporal Alignment of Human Motion Data: A Geometric Point of View
- 2023Publication
Action-Origami Inspired Haptic Devices for Virtual Reality
- 2023Publication
Parameter-Free and Improved Connectivity for Point Clouds
- 2023Publication
Creating Informal Learning and First Responder Training XR Experiences with the ImmersiveDeck
- 2023Publication
Distance Transform in Parallel Logarithmic Complexity
- 2023Thesis
Development of a vision-based foot massage robot
- 2023Thesis
Sketch based L-systems for tree modeling in virtual reality
- 2023Thesis
Safer Internet Chatbot
- 2023Thesis
Auditory sensory substitution in virtual reality : for people with hearing impairments
- 2023Publication
Evaluation and improvement of HMD-based and RGB-based hand tracking solutions in VR
- 2023Publication
Integrating AEC Domain-Specific Multidisciplinary Knowledge for Informed and Interactive Feedback in Early Design Stages
- 2023Thesis
Digital credentials in higher education: An exploratory prototype for TU Wien
- 2023Thesis
Embodied conversational agents with situation awareness
- 2023Thesis
Tracking filter framework - Implementation and evaluation of a virtual reality tracking filter framework
- 2023Publication
CoboDeck: a large-scale haptic VR system using a collaborative mobile robot
- 2023Publication
MR.Sketch. Immediate 3D Sketching via Mixed Reality Drawing Canvases
- 2023Thesis
Low-cost motion capture suit using inertial sensors
- 2023Thesis
Design and evaluation of a novel shape changing haptic device for virtual reality
- 2023Thesis
Projectverse: a web-based virtual reality platform for visualizing research projects
- 2023Publication
Unraveling the secrets of cell motility: from images to -omics with the help of bioinformatics
- 2022Publication
Point cloud to BIM registration for robot localization and Augmented Reality
- 2022Publication
Evaluation of a Real-time Optimization and Decision Making Framework in Virtual Reality for Life Cycle Analysis of Flexible Industrial Building Structures Incoporating Production Processes
- 2022Publication
Fast Labeled Spanning Tree in Binary Irregular Graph Pyramids
- 2022Publication
SIGDT: 2D Curve Reconstruction
- 2022Publication
Advanced Computational Design – digitale Methoden für die frühe Entwurfsphase
- 2022Publication
Evaluation of parametric multi-objective optimization and decision support tool for flexible industrial building design
- 2022Publication
Framework for integrated multi-objective optimization of production and industrial building design
- 2022Publication
Removing Redundancies in Binary Images
- 2022Publication
Precomputed fast rejection ray-triangle intersection
- 2022Publication
Parallel O(log(n)) Computation of the Adjacency of Connected Components
- 2022Publication
Collaborative Environments for Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications
- 2022Publication
Photogrammabot: An Autonomous ROS-Based Mobile Photography Robot for Precise 3D Reconstruction and Mapping of Large Indoor Spaces for Mixed Reality
- 2022Publication
A Novel Redundant Validation IoT System for Affective Learning Based on Facial Expressions and Biological Signals
- 2022Publication
BIMFlexi-VR: A Virtual Reality Framework for Early-Stage Collaboration in Flexible Industrial Building Design
- 2022Thesis
Point cloud registration in BIM models for robot localization
- 2022Publication
AUIT – the Adaptive User Interfaces Toolkit for Designing XR Applications
- 2022Publication
BARI: An Affordable Brain-Augmented Reality Interface to Support Human–Robot Collaboration in Assembly Tasks
- 2022Publication
Fast Distance Transforms in Graphs and in Gmaps
- 2022Publication
Implicit Encoding and Simplification/Reduction of nGmaps
- 2022Thesis
From circles to generalized conics: : Enriching the properties of 2D shape representation and description
- 2022Thesis
Towards real-time video inpainting
- 2022Thesis
Many-objective optimization for maximum flexibility in industrial building design
- 2022Thesis
A walk inside slope region hierarchy
- 2022Thesis
Design and evaluation of a sound application using acoustic scene classification
- 2022Publication
A Comparison of Three Different NeuroTag Visualization Media: Brain Visual Stimuli by Monitor, Augmented and Virtual Reality Devices
- 2022Publication
SIG-based Curve Reconstruction
- 2021Publication
Immersive training of first responder squad leaders in untethered virtual reality
- 2021Publication
AR-AQ-Bau − Einsatz von Augmented Reality zur Abnahme und Qualitätssicherung auf Baustellen
- 2021Publication
Gestalt descriptions for deep image understanding
- 2021Publication
Local projections for high-dimensional outlier detection
- 2021Publication
Effects of Using Vibrotactile Feedback on Sound Localization by Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People in Virtual Environments
- 2021Publication
Automatic Interior Design in Augmented Reality Based on Hierarchical Tree of Procedural Rules
- 2021Publication
StARboard & TrACTOr: Actuated Tangibles in an Educational TAR Application
- 2021Publication
Integrated multi-objective evolutionary optimization of production layout scenarios for parametric structural design of flexible industrial buildings
- 2021Publication
Deep learning for early detection of pathological changes in X-ray bone microstructures: case of osteoarthritis
- 2021Publication
Colocation for SLAM-Tracked VR Headsets with Hand Tracking
- 2021Publication
The VRNetzer platform enables interactive network analysis in Virtual Reality
- 2021Publication
The complexity landscape of decompositional parameters for ILP: Programs with few global variables and constraints
- 2021Thesis
Recommending reviewers for theses using artificial intelligence
- 2021Thesis
Open set classification in the domain of license plate type images using deep learning
- 2021Thesis
Interactive 3D dense surface exploration in immersive virtual reality
- 2021Thesis
Mobile collaborating robots for direct haptics in mixed reality
- 2021Thesis
Evaluation of immersion in externally directed VR
- 2021Thesis
Game design in virtual reality
- 2021Thesis
Cryptocurrencies: Deep learning for sentiment & market analysis
- 2021Thesis
Using natural language processing to measure the consistency of opinions expressed by politicians
- 2021Thesis
Design and development of an immersive collaborative geographical environment for tactical decision-making
- 2021Thesis
Foot tracking in virtual reality
- 2021Publication
SCI_BIM Scanning and data capturing for Integrated Resources and Energy Assessment using Building Information Modelling
- 2021Publication
Building Information Monitoring via Gamification
- 2021Publication
Head Up Visualization of Spatial Sound Sources in Virtual Reality for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People
- 2021Publication
Multi-modal Spatial Object Localization in Virtual Reality for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People
- 2021Publication
Pyramidal Connected Component Labeling by Irregular Graph Pyramid
- 2021Publication
Exploring behaviour towards avatars and agents in immersive virtual environments with mixed-agency interactions
- 2021Publication
Egocentric Network Exploration for Immersive Analytics
- 2021Publication
Safety and Security Challenges for Collaborative Robotics in VR
- 2021Publication
Framework proposal for automated generation of production layout scenarios: A parametric design technique to connect production planning and structural industrial building design
- 2021Presentation
360 Calibration Tunnel for Around-view Monitoring System
- 2020Thesis
VR Bridges: Simulation von unebenen Flächen in VR
- 2020Thesis
Evaluation of microservice implementation approaches for image processing
- 2020Presentation
Robust and sparse k-means clustering in high dimension
- 2020Thesis
Data-driven generation of virtual city layout
- 2020Thesis
Deep learning of humor from Gary Larson’s cartoons
- 2020Thesis
Spatio-temporal filtering for real-time path tracing in virtual reality
- 2020Thesis
Laser projection tracking
- 2020Publication
EarVR: Using Ear Haptics in Virtual Reality for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People
- 2020Thesis
Novel visual media summarization methods for retrieval applications
- 2020Thesis
Analysis of dual-sided cycling power in a virtual reality game
- 2020Thesis
In-situ-questionnaires for haptic experience in VR
- 2020Thesis
AR-Schulungs-Anwendung und -Editor für 3D-BIM-Visualisierung im Bauingenieurwesen
- 2020Publication
Motion Similarity Modeling - A State of the Art Report
- 2020Publication
The Difficulties of Detecting Deformable Objects Using Deep Neural Networks
- 2020Publication
Towards Identification of Incorrectly Segmented OCT Scans
- 2020Publication
Border Propagation: A Novel Approach to Determine Slope Region Decompositions
- 2020Publication
The Influence of Full-Body Representation on Translation and Curvature Gain
- 2020Publication
VR Bridges: Simulating Smooth Uneven Surfaces in VR
- 2020Publication
Physical object interaction in first responder mixed reality training
- 2020Publication
Framework Proposal for a BIM-Based Digital Platform for Flexible Design and Optimization of Industrial Buildings for Industry 4.0
- 2020Thesis
Visual and oculomotoric assessment with an eye-tracking head-mounted display
- 2019Publication
The effect of motion blur on the ManakinTracker
- 2019Thesis
Automation of the virtual jump simulator
- 2019Presentation
Robust k-means-based clustering for high-dimensional data
- 2019Thesis
Hand simulation for virtual climbing
- 2019Thesis
Unraveled skeletons
- 2019Thesis
An EEG- and ERP-based image ranking application
- 2019Publication
Elliptical Line Voronoi Skeletons on the GPU
- 2019Publication
Interactive segmentation and contour extractionfor automatic phenotyping of Lipizzaner horses
- 2019Publication
Quality Assessment of Color Fundusand Fluorescein Angiography Images
- 2019Thesis
Analyse des Balztanzes des Golden-Collared Manakin von Videos
- 2019Thesis
Smart 3D geometry understanding within a dynamic large triangulated point cloud
- 2019Thesis
VRNet - a framework for multi-user virtual reality
- 2019Thesis
Automatisierte Prognose der Entwicklung von Kryptowährungspreisen
- 2019Publication
On the Space Between Critical Points
- 2019Publication
Towards Eye-Friendly VR: How Bright Should It Be?
- 2019Publication
Virtual vs. Physical Navigation in VR: Study of Gaze and Body Segments Temporal Reorientation Behaviour
- 2019Publication
Computing and Reducing Slope Complexes
- 2019Publication
Non-centered Voronoi Skeletons
- 2019Publication
Congratulations! Dual Graphs Are Now Orientated!
- 2019Publication
Partitioning 2D Images into Prototypes of Slope Region
- 2019Publication
Counting Slope Regions in the Surface Graphs
- 2019Publication
ThermalGAN: Multimodal Color-to-Thermal Image Translation for Person Re-identification in Multispectral Dataset
- 2019Publication
Juggling in VR: Advantages of Immersive Virtual Reality in Juggling Learning
- 2019Publication
Virtual Reality CBRN Defence
- 2019Publication
DeepLight: light source estimation for augmented reality using deep learning
- 2019Thesis
Video object recognition based on deep learning
- 2019Thesis
Self-learning optical music recognition
- 2019Presentation
Augmented und Virtual Reality im Umfeld Bauwesen: Grundlagen und angewandte Forschung
- 2018Publication
Smell and touch in the Virtual Jumpcube
- 2018Thesis
TrACTOr & StARboard : tracking and haptic interaction for learning in AR
- 2018Publication
DARGS: Dynamic AR Guiding System for Indoor Environments
- 2018Publication
Guided projections for analyzing the structure of high-dimensional data
- 2018Publication
Extraction of Structural and Semantic Data from 2D Floor Plans for Interactive and Immersive VR Real Estate Exploration
- 2018Thesis
Replication in loosely coupled systems : simulation and evaluation of replication strategies for their use in loosely coupled IT systems
- 2018Thesis
Outdoor inside-out linear image sensor tracking
- 2018Thesis
Walkable multi-user VR : the effects of physical and virtual colocation
- 2018Thesis
Graph-based checkerboard indexing and its applications in camera calibration and multi-view processing
- 2018Thesis
Inhaltsbasierte Suchmaschine für Videos von Parlamentssitzungen
- 2018Thesis
Fast CPU ray-triangle intersection method
- 2018Thesis
Automatic human-head and shoulder segmentation of frontal-view face images
- 2018Publication
Line voronoi diagrams using elliptical distances
- 2018Publication
Handwritten Music Object Detection: Open Issues and Baseline Results
- 2018Publication
Automatic Furniture Arrangement Using Greedy Cost Minimization
- 2018Publication
Segmentation Edit Distance
- 2018Publication
Confocal Ellipse-based Distance and Confocal Elliptical Field for Polygonal Shapes.
- 2018Publication
Robot Supported Virtual and Augmented Reality
- 2018Publication
Mutual collision avoidance during walking in real and collaborative virtual environments
- 2018Publication
Co-presence and proxemics in shared walkable virtual environments with mixed colocation
- 2018Publication
Gestalt Interest Points with a Neural Network for Makeup-Robust Face Recognition
- 2018Thesis
Hybrid tracking technology for virtual rock climbing
- 2018Thesis
Anwendungs-Design für virtuelles Klettern
- 2018Thesis
Real-time subtitle for the hearing impaired in augmented reality
- 2018Thesis
3D model generation of real estate objects for interactive virtual reality applications
- 2018Thesis
Mixed Reality Training für Einsatzkräfte mit einem Video See-Through Head-Mounted Display
- 2018Thesis
Ein One-Stop-Shop für Smartcard-basierte Dienstleistungen
- 2018Presentation
Confocal ellipse-based distance and confocal elliptical field for polygonal shapes
- 2018Presentation
Tracking Golden-Collared Manakins in the Wild
- 2017Publication
Unsupervised group feature selection for media classification
- 2017Presentation
Local projection for outlier detection
- 2017Presentation
Finding groups in large and high-dimensional data using a k-means-based algorithm
- 2017Presentation
Grouping and outlier detection using robust sparse clustering
- 2017Publication
Special Issue "Advances in Graph-based Pattern Recognition" Editorial
- 2017Publication
Compressing VR: Fitting Large Virtual Environments within Limited Physical Space
- 2017Publication
Automatic Classification of Functional Gait Disorders
- 2017Thesis
Mapping of realism in rendering onto perception of presence in augmented reality
- 2017Thesis
On building multidimensional workflow models for complex systems modelling
- 2017Publication
Proceedings of the 22nd Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2017
- 2017Publication
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
- 2017Thesis
Virtual Reality zum Anfassen : VR-System mit robotergestütztem haptischem Feedback : VR system with robotic haptic feedback
- 2017Thesis
Weakly-supervised learning of visual object models
- 2017Thesis
3D Interaction within a multi-user distributed untethered virtual reality training simulation
- 2017Publication
Freeform Architecture and Discrete Differential Geometry
- 2017Thesis
Applications of high dynamic range imaging : stereo matching and mesopic rendering
- 2017Thesis
An emergent system for multimedial document management
- 2017Publication
VROnSite: Towards immersive training of first responder squad leaders in untethered virtual reality
- 2017Publication
VRRobot: Robot actuated props in an infinite virtual environment
- 2017Publication
Robust and sparse clustering for high-dimensional data
- 2017Publication
Automated Interior Design Using a Genetic Algorithm
- 2017Publication
LBP Scale Space Origins for Shape Classification
- 2017Publication
From trajectories to behaviors: an algorithm to track and describe dancing birds
- 2017Publication
Analysis and Calibration of a Mirror Setup producing Mirror-reflected, Multi-view Videos
- 2017Publication
Euclidean and Geodesic Distance Profiles
- 2017Publication
Towards efficient spatial compression in self-overlapping virtual environments
- 2017Publication
Teaching Virtual Reality with HTC Vive and Leap Motion
- 2017Publication
Preventing Imminent Collisions between Co-Located Users in HMD-Based VR in Non-Shared Scenarios
- 2017Publication
Towards a Universal Music Symbol Classifier
- 2017Publication
Towards Self-Learning Optical Music Recognition
- 2017Publication
The Gestalt Interest Points Distance Feature for Compact and Accurate Image Description
- 2017Publication
Discovering New Monte Carlo Noise Filters with Genetic Programming
- 2017Thesis
Visualization of computer-generated 3D cities using GIS data
- 2017Thesis
Immersives Training in einer mobilen, viertuellen Umgebung : Erstellung und Evaluation von Trainingsszenarien für Rettungskräfte
- 2017Thesis
Path planning in augmented reality indoor environments
- 2016Presentation
Guided projections for analysising the structure of high dimensional data
- 2016Thesis
Detektion und Verfolgung von Zügen in OTDR Signalen : ein robustes Framework zur Zuglokalisierung in Signalen von optischer Zeitbereichsreflektometrie mit GPGPU Beschleunigung
- 2016Publication
A framework for the extraction of quantitative traits from 2d images of mature Arabidopsis thaliana
- 2016Publication
A Retargeting Approach for Mesopic Vision: Simulation and Compensation
- 2016Publication
Robustness Diagram with Loop and Time Controls For System Modelling and Scenario Extraction with Energy System Applications
- 2016Publication
Topology-based image segmentation using LBP pyramids
- 2016Publication
Topological Attribute Patterns for texture recognition
- 2016Publication
Train Detection and Tracking in Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) Signals
- 2016Publication
Interactive 3D Segmentation of Rock-Art by Enhanced Depth Maps and Gradient Preserving Regularization
- 2016Thesis
Computational analysis of petroglyphs
- 2016Thesis
Gesichtserkennung in uneingeschränkten Video streams
- 2016Thesis
Speckle Tracking : ACTO Tracking durch optische Maussensoren
- 2016Thesis
Entwicklung eines autonomen Überwachungssystems
- 2016Thesis
Real-time filtering of Monte Carlo noise on GPU
- 2016Thesis
Virtual Reality Menü Interaktion mit einer Smartwatch
- 2016Thesis
Open data REST-services
- 2016Publication
A concept for shape representation with linked local coordinate systems
- 2016Publication
Shape Normalizing and Tracking Dancing Worms
- 2016Publication
Similarity Assessment as a Dual Process Model of Counting and Measuring
- 2016Thesis
Streaming und Exploration von sich dynamisch ändernden Oberflächenrekonstruktionen in Immersive Virtual Reality
- 2016Publication
Interactive Segmentation of Rock-Art in High-Resolution 3D Reconstructions
- 2016Publication
Group Feature Selection for Audio-Based Video Genre Classification
- 2016Publication
Digital Vibrons: Understanding Users' Perceptions of Interacting with Invisible, Zero-Weight Matter
- 2016Publication
A Hybrid Sound Model for 3D Audio Games with Real Walking
- 2016Publication
ImmersiveDeck: A large-scale wireless VR system for multiple users
- 2016Publication
Design of a Health Monitoring Toy for Children
- 2016Publication
Evaluation of robust PCA for supervised audio outlier detection
- 2016Publication
2d tracking of platynereis dumerilii worms during spawning
- 2016Publication
A Novel Concept for Smart Camera Image Stitching
- 2016Publication
Shape Classification according to LBP Persistence of Critical Points
- 2016Publication
Shape Classification According to LBP Persistence of Critical Points
- 2016Publication
Persistence Based on LBP Scale Space
- 2016Publication
Noise Robustness of Irregular Graph Pyramids using LBP and Combinatorial Maps
- 2016Publication
A real-time algorithm for train position monitoring using optical time-domain reflectometry
- 2016Publication
An Efficient DCT template-based Object Detection Method using Phase Correlation
- 2016Publication
Machine Learning with Dual Process Models
- 2016Publication
Detecting Ellipses in Elongated Shapes Using the Thickness Profile
- 2016Thesis
Automatisierte Generierung von 3D-Gebäudemodellen aus vektorbasierten Grundrissplänen
- 2016Thesis
Realistic rendering in mobile augmented reality
- 2016Thesis
Avatar control by automatically detected face interest points
- 2016Thesis
Comparison of treatment plan models
- 2016Thesis
Erkennung sich wiederholender Ereignisse in Langzeitvideoaufnahmen
- 2016Thesis
Editing reality: a tool for interactive segmentation and manipulation of 3D reconstructed scenes
- 2016Presentation
Group Detection in the Context of Imbalanced Data
- 2016Presentation
Forward Projection for High-Dimensional Data
- 2016Presentation
Manifold Representation of Fabric: A Challenging Task?
- 2016Presentation
MediCubes: A Health Monitoring Toy for Children
- 2016Presentation
Virtual und Augmented Reality - Forschungsübersicht
- 2016Presentation
Imagine a Holodeck - Research within a Large Scale VR Platform
- 2016Presentation
Virtual & Augmented Reality @ TU Wien
- 2016Presentation
Virtual Reality Research and Applications
- 2016Presentation
Walking Through Large Virtual Environments
- 2015Publication
Backward compatible HDR stereo matching: a hybrid tone-mapping-based framework
- 2015Thesis
Full body interaction in serious games for rehabilitation
- 2015Publication
Markerless 3D Interaction in an Unconstrained Handheld Mixed Reality Setup
- 2015Publication
Preface of Special Issue on "Graph-based Processing for Pattern Recognition
- 2015Publication
Pattern mining and fault detection via textitCOP_textittherm-based profiling with correlation analysis of circuit variables in chiller systems
- 2015Publication
Automated Multi-Contrast Brain Pathological Area Extraction from 2D MR Images
- 2015Publication
Evaluating and Grading Students in Large-Scale Image Processing Lectures
- 2015Publication
Development of Tests to Evaluate the Sensory Abilities of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 2015Thesis
Assessing the sensory functionality of children using depth data : Development of a reproducible and stable test for measuring the kinesthesia of children (with ASD)
- 2015Thesis
Video representation by recurring regions
- 2015Thesis
On robust homography estimation across the 2D/3D modalities
- 2015Thesis
Kameragestützte Informationsvisualisierung durch Augmented Reality für Fahrerassistenzsysteme
- 2015Thesis
Trainingsüberprüfung mittels Methoden aus "Machine Learning"
- 2015Thesis
Erkennung von Elephantenlauten anhand lokaler Spektralfeatures
- 2015Thesis
Design and implementation of an automatic tourist guide
- 2015Publication
Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition
- 2015Publication
Walking in Virtual Reality: Flexible Spaces and Other Techniques
- 2015Thesis
Development and evaluation of a virtual reality adventure game for the virtualizer
- 2015Thesis
Virtual reality content creator : a generic content creation and placement tool for simulations and storytelling in unity 3D
- 2015Publication
Evaluation of Robust PCA for Supervised Audio Outlier Detection
- 2015Thesis
Game-based health monitoring using tangible user interface objects
- 2015Thesis
A system for optical music recognition and audio synthesis
- 2015Thesis
Machine learning with dual process models
- 2015Publication
Smooth and iteratively restore: A simple and fast edge-preserving smoothing model
- 2015Publication
Data Graph Formulation as the Minimum-Weight Maximum-Entropy Problem
- 2015Publication
Towards Segmentation of Human Teeth Contours in Dental Radiographs Using Active Shape Models
- 2015Publication
Touch, Movement and Vibration: User Perception of Vibrotactile Feedback for Touch and Mid-Air Gestures
- 2015Publication
Interactive HDR Environment Map Capturing on Mobile Devices
- 2015Publication
Towards An Immersive Virtual Reality Training System For CBRN Disaster Preparedness
- 2015Publication
Requirements Analysis On A Virtual Reality Training System For CBRN Crisis Preparedness
- 2015Publication
Indoor skydiving in immersive virtual reality with embedded storytelling
- 2015Publication
Mobile Multiview Diffuse Texture Extraction
- 2015Publication
Towards Segmentation of Human Teeth Contours in Dental Radiographs using Active Shape Models
- 2015Publication
High-Quality Consistent Illumination in Mobile Augmented Reality by Radiance Convolution on the GPU
- 2015Publication
Novel concepts for recognition and representation of structure in spatio-temporal classes of images
- 2015Publication
Influence of Path Complexity on Spatial Overlap Perception in Virtual Environments
- 2015Publication
The minimum spanning tree of maximum entropy
- 2015Publication
LBP and Irregular Graph Pyramids
- 2015Publication
Reeb Graphs Through Local Binary Patterns
- 2015Publication
A combined distance measure for 2D shape matching
- 2015Publication
Mutual Proximity Awareness in Immersive Multi-User Virtual Environments with Real Walking
- 2015Publication
Ellipse-Fitting Approaches Based On Medial Representation
- 2015Publication
Simulation of Robust PCA for Supervised Audio Outlier Detection
- 2015Thesis
Structurally correct image segmentation using local binary patterns and the combinatorial pyramid
- 2015Thesis
Noise Map: eine kartografische Visualisierung für Daten erhoben durch die Noise-O-Meter Applikation
- 2015Thesis
Evaluation of a hybrid sound model for 3D audio games with real walking
- 2015Presentation
Virtual and Augmented Reality in Architecture
- 2015Presentation
Augmented Reality Anwendungen für Ausbildung und Assistenz
- 2015Presentation
Categorizing the Topological Image Landscape with Local Binary Patterns
- 2015Presentation
Ellipse-based skeletons and elliptical coordinates
- 2015Presentation
Reeb graphs through local binary patterns
- 2015Presentation
Combining Reeb graphs and LBPs for shape representation and classification
- 2015Presentation
Novel Concepts for Recognition and Representation of Structure in Spatio-Temporal Classes of Images
- 2015Presentation
Segmentation in Space and Time
- 2015Presentation
- 2015Thesis
Intrinsische Plagiatserkennung durch stilometrische Clusteranalyse
- 2015Thesis
Visualisierungs- und Interaktionstechniken für das Lernen komplexer Bewegungen mit HMD
- 2015Thesis
MoCapGym: Erlernen motorischer Fähigkeiten mittels Motion-Capture
- 2015Thesis
A graph centrality approach to computer vision
- 2014Publication
SmartCopter - Enabling Autonomous Flight in Indoor Environments with a Smartphone as On-Board Processing Unit
- 2014Publication
Vision-Based Long-Range 3D Tracking, applied to Underground Surveying Tasks
- 2014Publication
Comparison of three-dimensional surface-imaging systems
- 2014Publication
Video analysis of a snooker footage based on a kinematic model
- 2014Publication
Graph-based point drift: Graph centrality on the registration of point-sets
- 2014Publication
GeodiKon. Die Lernmaterialien
- 2014Thesis
Interaction in dense one-handed handheld augmented reality
- 2014Thesis
Robust wide-area tracking and intuitive 3D interaction for mixed reality environments
- 2014Thesis
Genre-basierte automatische Komposition von MIDI-Daten
- 2014Thesis
Reeb graph based image representation for phenotyping of plants
- 2014Publication
Echtzeitvermessung mit Infrarottrackingkameras - Untersuchung einer neuen Messtechnik für untertage
- 2014Publication
Evaluating RGB+D Hand Posture Detection Methods for Mobile 3D Interaction
- 2014Publication
Real-Time Machine Guidance with Tracking Cameras
- 2014Publication
The Effects of Direct and Global Illumination on Presence in Augmented Reality
- 2014Publication
Influence of Vertical Navigation Metaphors on Presence
- 2014Publication
Graph-based Similarity of Petroglyphs
- 2014Publication
- 2014Publication
FT-RANSAC: Towards robust multi-modal homography estimation
- 2014Publication
Reeb graph based examination of root development
- 2014Publication
Canonical Encoding of the Combinatorial Pyramid
- 2014Publication
Impact of topology-related attributes from local binary patterns on texture classification
- 2014Publication
Representing roots on the basis of reeb graphs in plant phenotyping
- 2014Publication
Image-based phenotyping of the mature arabidopsis shoot system
- 2014Publication
Topological image analysis and (normalised) representations for plant phenotyping
- 2014Publication
Characterizing configurations of critical points through lbp.
- 2014Publication
Gestalt Interest Points for Image Description in Weight-Invariant Face Recognition
- 2014Publication
Development of Tests to Evaluate the Sensory Abilities of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder using Touch and Force Sensors
- 2014Thesis
Erfassung sensorischer Fähigkeiten bei Kindern mit Autismus mittels Touchscreen und Berührungssensoren
- 2014Thesis
Easy to use spreadsheet application
- 2014Thesis
High-quality real-time global illumination in augmented reality
- 2014Thesis
Intuitive und markerlose Interaktion in einer mobilen Virtual Reality Anwendung auf Basis von RGBD-Daten
- 2014Presentation
Topological Image Analysis and Reeb Graph Representations for Plant Phenotyping
- 2014Presentation
Longitudinal Diffeomorphic Fetal Brain Atlas Learning For Tissue Labeling Using Geodesic Regression And Graph Cuts
- 2014Presentation
Object Tracking based on Features and Structures
- 2013Publication
Structural Cues in 2D Tracking: Edge Lengths vs. Barycentric Coordinates
- 2013Publication
Three-Dimensional surface-imaging systems.
- 2013Publication
Qualität nach Maß
- 2013Thesis
Mobiles Lifelogging auf der Android-Plattform
- 2013Publication
Improving Data Fusion in Personal Positioning Systems for Outdoor Environments
- 2013Publication
Wide Area Motion Tracking Using Consumer Hardware
- 2013Publication
A Serious Exergame for Patients Suffering from Chronic Musculoskeletal Back and Neck Pain: A Pilot Study
- 2013Publication
Crypts detection in microscopic images using hierarchical structures
- 2013Publication
Special issue on computer analysis of images and patterns
- 2013Publication
Pathological Area Detection in MR Images of Brain
- 2013Publication
Automatic Brain Tumor Detection in T2-weighted Magnetic Resonance Images
- 2013Publication
Video Object Segmentation by Salient Segment Chain Composition
- 2013Publication
The effect of airflow on thermographically determined temperature of the distal forelimb of the horse
- 2013Publication
Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013
- 2013Publication
Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition
- 2013Thesis
Visualizing and interactive modelling of process hierarchies
- 2013Thesis
Tracking related multiple targets in videos
- 2013Publication
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice: A serious game aiding rehabilitation in the context of Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
- 2013Publication
Top-down 3D Tracking and Pose Estimation of a Die Using Check-points
- 2013Publication
3DTouch and HOMER-S
- 2013Publication
- 2013Publication
New Content-Based Features for the Distinction of Violent Videos and Martial Arts
- 2013Publication
3D building reconstruction and thermal mapping in fire brigade operations
- 2013Publication
Flexible Spaces: Dynamic Layout Generation for Infinite Walking in Virtual Environments
- 2013Publication
3D building reconstruction and thermal mapping in fire brigade operations
- 2013Publication
Parallel Tracking and Mapping in Hofburg Festsaal
- 2013Publication
PS Move API: A Cross-Platform 6DoF Tracking Framework
- 2013Publication
Differential Progressive Path Tracing for High-Quality Previsualization and Relighting in Augmented Reality
- 2013Publication
Autonomous Flight using a Smartphone as On-Board Processing Unit in GPS-Denied Environments
- 2013Publication
Wide area optical user tracking in unconstrained indoor environments
- 2013Publication
Differential Irradiance Caching for Fast High-Quality Light Transport Between Virtual and Real Worlds
- 2013Publication
15 Years of VR/AR in Education - A Personal Summary and Outlook
- 2013Publication
Detection of Brain Tumors Based on Automatic Symmetry Analysis
- 2013Publication
Logical Layout Recovery: approach for graphic-based features.
- 2013Publication
Localizing and Segmenting Objects with 3D Objectness.
- 2013Publication
Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for the Max-Cut Problem
- 2013Publication
On the Evaluation of Graph Centrality for Shape Matching
- 2013Publication
Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumor Edema in FLAIR MRI Using Symmetry and Thresholding
- 2013Publication
Automatic Detection of Brain Tumors in MR Images
- 2013Publication
Probabilistic Joint Image Segmentation and Labeling by Figure-Ground Composition
- 2013Publication
Automated social event detection in large photo collections
- 2013Publication
Acoustic detection of elephant presence in noisy environments
- 2013Publication
Surface Layout Estimation Using Multiple Segmentation Methods and 3D Reasoning
- 2013Publication
Model-Based Vehicle Pose Estimation and Tracking in Videos Using Random Forests
- 2013Publication
Sparse Point Cloud Densification by Combining Multiple Segmentation Methods
- 2013Publication
A mixed integer model for the stamina-aware sightseeing tour problem
- 2013Thesis
Autonome Lokalisierung und Navigation eines unbemannten Luftfahrzeugs (UAV) mithilfe eines Smartphones als zentrale Recheneinheit
- 2013Thesis
Video-Segmentierung durch Analyse audiovisueller Merkmale
- 2013Thesis
Kontrollflusstransformation von BPMN zu Asbru
- 2013Thesis
A virtual reality training tool for upper limp prostheses
- 2013Thesis
BCI-based cursor control using EEG sensorimotor rhythms
- 2013Presentation
Robust Long-Range Optical Tracking for Tunneling Measurement Tasks
- 2013Presentation
Flexible Spaces: A Virtual Step Outside of Reality
- 2013Presentation
Virtual- and Augmented Reality in Education
- 2013Presentation
Augmented Reality Technologien und Industrielle Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
- 2013Presentation
Augmented Reality
- 2013Presentation
Education in Augmented Reality
- 2013Presentation
Surface Completion of Head via Low-rank Decomposition
- 2013Presentation
Real Time Modeling of Finger Segments
- 2013Thesis
Positive impact game as a contribution to movement rehabilitation
- 2013Thesis
Pattern-Based MIDI Composing
- 2012Publication
Evolution of the 3-Dimensional Video System for Facial Motion Analysis: Ten Years' Experiences and Recent Developments
- 2012Thesis
Augmented Reality video : situated video compositions in panorama-based Augmented Reality applications
- 2012Thesis
Intelligent video annotation and retrieval techniques
- 2012Thesis
Interaktive Analyse audiovisueller Medien
- 2012Thesis
Cross-platform tracking of a 6DoF motion controller using computer vision and sensor fusion
- 2012Thesis
Interactive tracking of markers for facial palsy analysis
- 2012Thesis
Automated classification of paintings
- 2012Thesis
A virtual dressing room based on depth data
- 2012Thesis
Physics driven 3D dynamic geometry software for elementary education
- 2012Publication
Searching high order invariants in Computer Imagery
- 2012Publication
On the search of optimal reconstruction resolution
- 2012Publication
Homological optimality in Discrete Morse theory through chain homotopies
- 2012Publication
Homological Spanning Forest framework for 2D image processing
- 2012Publication
ARTiFICe - Augmented Reality Framework for Distributed Collaboration
- 2012Publication
Archive Film Material - A novel Challenge for Automated Film Analysis
- 2012Publication
Professional Media Understanding
- 2012Publication
Frontiers of Media Understanding
- 2012Publication
Handbook of Multimedia Information Retrieval
- 2012Publication
Advances in Multimedia Modeling
- 2012Publication
Image Processing and Analysis with Graphs: Theory and Practice
- 2012Publication
Artificial Visual Attention Using Combinatorial Pyramids
- 2012Publication
Analyzing the Feasibility of PTAM based Localization Algorithms in Large Environments on Mobile Devices
- 2012Publication
Full Body Motion Capture - A Flexible Marker Based Solution
- 2012Publication
How to Select and Customize Object Recognition Approaches for an Application?
- 2012Publication
Multimodal motion guidance
- 2012Publication
Physically-Based Depth of Field in Augmented Reality
- 2012Publication
Event-driven body motion analysis for real-time gesture recognition
- 2012Publication
High-Quality Reflections, Refractions, and Caustics in Augmented Reality and their Contribution to Visual Coherence
- 2012Publication
AR Record & Replay: Situated Compositing of Video Content in Mobile Augmented Reality
- 2012Publication
Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Healthcare
- 2012Publication
Recurring Element Detection in Movies
- 2012Publication
Document Understanding of Graphical Content in Natively Digital PDF Documents
- 2012Publication
Initializing 3D Model-based Tracking of Dice
- 2012Publication
Top-Down Tracking and Estimating 3D Pose of a Die
- 2012Publication
Semi-automatic Tracking of Markers in Facial Palsy
- 2012Publication
Interactive Labeling of Image Segmentation Hierarchies
- 2012Publication
Segmentation of Building Facade Domes
- 2012Publication
Interactive Labeling of Image Segmentation Hierarchies
- 2012Publication
Architectural Style Classification of Domes
- 2012Publication
Maschinelle Verarbeitung von Digitalisaten - Stand der Technik und Forschungsrichtungen
- 2012Publication
A methodology for evaluating algorithms for table understanding in PDF documents
- 2012Publication
Design eines Serious Games für die Rehabilitation von chronischen Rückenschmerzen
- 2012Publication
Classification and Pose Estimation of Vehicles in Videos by 3D Modeling within Discrete-Continuous Optimization
- 2012Publication
Classification of Gothic and Baroque architectural elements
- 2012Publication
Robust camera self-calibration from monocular images of Manhattan worlds
- 2012Publication
Automated Petroglyph Image Segmentation with Interactive Classifier Fusion
- 2012Publication
Using Aspect Graphs for View Synthesis
- 2012Thesis
Combining multiple depth cameras for reconstruction
- 2012Presentation
Biometric Technologies
- 2012Presentation
Distributed Interaction with Kinect and Mobile Phone in Augmented Reality
- 2012Presentation
Representing and Manipulating Cyclic Paths in Continuous and Discrete Spaces
- 2012Presentation
Representing Vision Embedding Spaces
- 2012Presentation
Alternatives to outline representations: Parametric fonts based on shape components
- 2012Presentation
Digitalisierung und Erfassung von Theaterzettelsammlungen - Eine technische Standortbestimmung
- 2011Thesis
Features in visual media analysis
- 2011Thesis
Development of an active motion capture suit for teaching motion skills
- 2011Thesis
MINT - a framework for the design and development of multimodal interaction on multi-touch surfaces
- 2011Thesis
Design eines interaktiven taktilen Shape Displays mittels Schrittmotoren und dem Bowdenzug-Konzept
- 2011Thesis
Event-driven 3D vision for human activity analysis in context of dance and fitness training of elderly people
- 2011Thesis
Entwicklung eines multitouchfähigen Schaufensters
- 2011Thesis
Emotionsbasierte Videoverfremdung
- 2011Publication
Film Analysis of Archive Documentaries
- 2011Publication
Multi-scale 2D tracking of articulated objects using hierarchical spring systems
- 2011Publication
Hierarchical spatio-temporal extraction of models for moving rigid parts
- 2011Publication
Matching 2D and 3D articulated shapes using the eccentricity transform
- 2011Publication
Convex Deficiencies for Human Action Recognition
- 2011Publication
A new algorithm for computing the 2-dimensional matching distance between size functions
- 2011Publication
On certain optimal diffeomorphisms between closed curves
- 2011Publication
Hardness results for homology localization
- 2011Publication
Invariant representative cocycles of cohomology generators using irregular graph pyramids
- 2011Publication
Retrieval of motion composition in film
- 2011Publication
Gradual transition detection in historic film material-a systematic study
- 2011Publication
The 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
- 2011Publication
The 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), Part II
- 2011Publication
Wireless Displays in Educational Augmented Reality Applications
- 2011Publication
Skewed Coordinate System for Dense Point Correspondences Inside Articulated Shapes
- 2011Publication
Efficient computation of persistent homology for cubical data
- 2011Publication
Image Segmentation by Figure-Ground Composition into Maximal Cliques
- 2011Publication
Enforcing topological constraints in random field image segmentation
- 2011Publication
Systematic Evaluation of Spatio-Temporal Features on Comparative Video Challenges
- 2011Publication
Full body interaction for serious games in motor rehabilitation
- 2011Publication
Cutting the Cord: Wireless Mixed Reality Displays
- 2011Publication
Probabilistic Joint Image Segmentation and Labeling
- 2011Publication
Retrieval of Visual Composition in Film
- 2011Publication
Cross-Modal Analysis of Audio-Visual Film Montage
- 2011Publication
An output-sensitive algorithm for persistent homology
- 2011Publication
Enhancing Visualization with Real-Time Frequency-based Transfer Functions
- 2011Publication
Spatio-Temporal Extraction of Articulated Models in a Graph Pyramid Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition
- 2011Publication
Robustness and modularity of 2-dimensional size functions
- 2011Publication
A Global Method for Reducing Multidimensional Size Graphs
- 2011Publication
Exploiting Spatial Consistency for Object Classification and Pose Estimation
- 2011Publication
Camera Auto-Calibration Using Pedestrians and Zebra-Crossings
- 2011Publication
Architectural Style Classification of Building Facade Windows
- 2011Publication
Hierarchical Interactive Image Segmentation using Irregular Pyramids
- 2011Publication
Diffusion runs low on persistence fast
- 2011Publication
Incremental-Decremental Algorithm for Computing AT-Models and Persistent Homology
- 2011Publication
Persistent homology computation with a twist
- 2011Publication
Semantic Segmentation of Microscopic Images Using a Morphological Hierarchy
- 2011Publication
Evaluation of Facial Reconstructive Surgery on Patients with Facial Palsy using Optical Strain
- 2011Publication
Characterizing Obstacle- Avoiding Paths using Cohomology Theory
- 2011Publication
Sampling Step Importance in Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation of Microscopic Images
- 2011Publication
Epithelial Area Detection in Cytokeratin Microscopic Images Using MSER Segmentation in Anisotropic Pyramid
- 2011Publication
Describing When and Where in Vision
- 2011Publication
Chronic Pain Rehabilitation with a Serious Game using Multimodal Input
- 2011Publication
Wide Area Motion Tracking Using Consumer Hardware
- 2011Publication
Detection and Classification of Petroglyphs in Gigapixel Images
- 2011Presentation
Approximation Algorithm for the Multidimensional Mathching Distance
- 2011Presentation
The Walking Pyramid
- 2011Presentation
Topological Pyramids and Computer Vision
- 2011Presentation
2 Computer Vision Tasks: tracking with structure, shape similarity
- 2011Thesis
Evaluierung und Visualisierung von Interest-Point-Detektoren
- 2011Thesis
Syntactic and semantic concepts in audio-visual media
- 2010Thesis
A vision-based system for fingertip detection on tracked interactive surfaces
- 2010Thesis
Programmierung von Multimediasensoren für mobile Informationsszenarien
- 2010Thesis
Unterstützung expliziter Articulation Work : Interaktive Externalisierung und Abstimmung mentaler Modelle
- 2010Thesis
Spracherkennung in mobilen Endgeräten
- 2010Thesis
Automatische Erkennung von Gewaltszenen in Filmen
- 2010Thesis
Segmentation von Szenen in historischen Dokumentarfilmen
- 2010Publication
Archive Film Comparison
- 2010Publication
New approach to the perception of 3D shape based on veridicality, complexity, symmetry and volume
- 2010Publication
Robust and efficient analysis of signals and images
- 2010Publication
Multi-scale 2D tracking of articulated objects using hierarchical spring systems
- 2010Publication
Use of strategy in a 3-dimensional spatial ability test
- 2010Publication
Applications of Mixed Reality
- 2010Publication
Features for Content-Based Audio Retrieval
- 2010Publication
A Novel Trajectory Clustering Approach for Motion Segmentation
- 2010Publication
Camera Take Reconstruction
- 2010Publication
VITAL - The Virtual Environment Interaction Technique Abstraction Layer
- 2010Publication
A Study Of Gradual Transition Detection in Historic Film Material
- 2010Publication
Scene Segmentation in Artistic Archive Documentaries
- 2010Publication
Adaptive Methods of Kalman Filtering for Personal Positioning Systems
- 2010Publication
Combining Regular Decimation and Dual Graph Contraction for Hierarchical Image Segmentation
- 2010Publication
Next Generation Typeface Representations: Revisiting Parametric Fonts
- 2010Publication
Representing the Surface of Objects by Combinatorial Pyramids
- 2010Publication
Multi-View Integration for a Rotating 3D Object
- 2010Publication
Irregular {L}aplacian {G}raph {P}yramid
- 2010Publication
Algorithm to Compute a Minimal Length Basis of Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators
- 2010Publication
Affective image classification using features inspired by psychology and art theory
- 2010Publication
Efficient and Distinct Large Scale Bags of Words
- 2010Publication
FeEval A Dataset for Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Local Features
- 2010Publication
Behavior and properties of spatio-temporal local features under visual transformations
- 2010Publication
Co-occurrence Bag of Words for Object Recognition
- 2010Publication
Weighted Skin Color Segmentation and Detection Using Graph Cuts
- 2010Publication
Skin detection: A random forest approach
- 2010Publication
Augmentation of Skin Segmentation
- 2010Publication
Universal Seed Skin Segmentation
- 2010Publication
Image-based Grasping Point Detectin using Boosted Histograms of Oriented Gradients
- 2010Publication
Towards a Common Evaluation Strategy for Table
- 2010Presentation
On the search of Optimal Reconstruction Resolution
- 2010Presentation
Representing Scenes with dynamic objects by Graph Pyramids
- 2010Presentation
The Efficiency of a Homology Algorithm based on Discrete Morse Theory and Coreductions
- 2010Presentation
Affective Image Classification
- 2010Thesis
Visual Information Retrieval : automatisierte Klassifikation von Snowboardclips
- 2009Thesis
Face detection in historic documentaries with a cascaded classifier
- 2009Publication
Approximative Graph Pyramid Solution of the E-TSP
- 2009Publication
PlayMancer: Games for Health with Accessibility in Mind
- 2009Publication
Dynamic Differential Geometry in Education
- 2009Publication
Morphological segmentation on learned boundaries
- 2009Publication
Affine-invariant contours recognition using an incremental hybrid learning approach
- 2009Publication
Image-Based Retrieval and Identification of Ancient Coins
- 2009Publication
Virtual Environments for Mathematics and Geometry Education
- 2009Publication
On Visualization and Reconstruction from Non-Uniform Point Sets using B-splines
- 2009Publication
Proceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2009
- 2009Publication
Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context 2009
- 2009Publication
Pedestrian Behaviour Monitoring: Methods and Experiences
- 2009Publication
Pottery Plotted by Laser - 3D Acquisition for Documentation and Analysis of Symmetry of Ancient Ceramics
- 2009Publication
Playmancer Project: A Serious Videogame as Additional Therapy Tool for Eating and Impulse Control Disorders
- 2009Publication
On Feature Selection in Environmental Sound Recognition
- 2009Publication
Tracking Using a Hierarchical Structural Representation
- 2009Publication
Finding the Missing Piece: Content-Based Video Comparison
- 2009Publication
Acquisition of 3D Coin Models and Their Potential in Numismatic Research
- 2009Publication
Automatic Region Template Generation for Shape Particle Filtering based Image Segmentation
- 2009Publication
Rigid Part Decomposition in a Graph Pyramid
- 2009Publication
Object Classification by Topology of Convex Deficiencies
- 2009Publication
An Improved Coordinate System for Point Correspondences of 2D Articulated Shapes
- 2009Publication
Coarse-to-Fine Tracking of Articulated Objects Using a Hierarchical Spring System
- 2009Publication
Irregular Graph Pyramids and Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators
- 2009Publication
Tracking Objects Beyond Rigid Motion
- 2009Publication
Tracking Articulated Objects Using Structure
- 2009Publication
Combining an Optical Flow Feature Detector with Graph-Based Segmentation
- 2009Publication
Comparison of Adaptive Approaches for Dominant Points Detection
- 2009Publication
An Adaptive Approach for Affine-Invariant 2D Shape Description
- 2009Publication
A Dual Graph Pyramid Approach to Grid-Based and Topological Maps Integration for Mobile Robotics
- 2009Publication
Adaptive Dominant Point Detector for Visual Landmark Description
- 2009Publication
Homological Tree-Based Strategies for Image Analysis
- 2009Publication
Homological Computation Using Spanning Trees
- 2009Publication
Computing Homology Generators relations in 3D Digital Images
- 2009Publication
Open Issues and Chances for Topological Pyramids
- 2009Publication
Decomposing Cavities in Digital Volumes into Products of Cycles
- 2009Publication
Cell AT-Models for Digital Volumes
- 2009Publication
Lonely but Attractive: Sparse Color Salient Points for Object Retrieval and Categorization
- 2009Publication
Translating Journalists' Requirements into Features for Image Search
- 2009Publication
Skin Paths for Contextual Flagging Adult Videos
- 2009Publication
Weakly Supervised Group-Wise Model Learning Based on Discrete Optimization
- 2009Publication
matVTK - 3D visualization for Matlab
- 2009Publication
When Pyramids Learned Walking
- 2009Publication
3D Image Segmentation Using the Bounded Irregular Pyramid
- 2009Presentation
A Review of Serious Games as Psychological Support in Health
- 2009Presentation
On Visualization and Reconstruction from Non-Uniform Point Sets using B-splines
- 2009Thesis
Kinetosis / motion sickness : a new approach for adaptation in virtual reality
- 2009Thesis
Schreiben mit dem Brain-Computer-Interface
- 2009Publication
BrainGazer - Visual Queries for Neurobiology Research
- 2009Thesis
The eccentricity transform of n-dimensional shapes with and without boundary
- 2008Thesis
Dynamic differential geometry in an educational augmented reality application
- 2008Thesis
Implementierung eines historischen 3D-Weltatlasses auf der Basis von X3D
- 2008Publication
Efficient Reconstruction from Non-uniform Point Sets
- 2008Publication
Representations for Cognitive Vision: A Review of Appearance-Based, Spatio-Temporal, and Graph-Based Approaches
- 2008Publication
Constructing cylindrical coordinate colour spaces
- 2008Publication
A survey of methods for image annotation
- 2008Publication
- 2008Publication
Werkzeuge für Medien-Streaming
- 2008Publication
Frameworks für Medienverarbeitung
- 2008Publication
Review von Wiki-Engines
- 2008Publication
Messen statt scoren in der Rheumatologie; Neue quantitative Bildgebungs- und -verarbeitungsmethoden der Radiologie
- 2008Publication
A Rigid-Body Target Design Methodology for Optical Pose-Tracking Systems
- 2008Publication
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications
- 2008Publication
Analyse der Machbarkeit und des Innovationspotentials der Anwendung der Technologie des Optical Real-Time Trackings für Aufgaben der Tunnelvortriebsvermessung
- 2008Publication
Evaluation of content-based Features for User-Centred Image Retrieval in Small Media Collections
- 2008Publication
Analysis of Historical Artistic Documentaries
- 2008Publication
Mapping A Coordinate System To A Non-Rigid Shape
- 2008Publication
3D Shape Matching by Geodesic Eccentricity
- 2008Publication
Delineating Homology Generators in Graph Pyramids
- 2008Publication
A Coordinate System for Articulated 2D Shape Point Correspondences
- 2008Publication
Euclidean Eccentricity Transform by Discrete Arc Paving
- 2008Publication
Video Object Segmentation Using Graphs
- 2008Publication
Overview of the ImageCLEF 2007 Object Retrieval Task
- 2008Publication
Overview of the ImageCLEFphoto 2007 Photographic Retrieval Task
- 2008Publication
How Do Superpixels Affect Image Segmentation?
- 2008Publication
Playmancer: A European Serious Gaming 3D Environment
- 2008Publication
Simulating Educational Physical Experiments in Augmented Reality
- 2008Publication
Design of a Virtual Reality Supported Test for Spatial Abilities
- 2008Publication
Construct3D: An Augmented Reality Application for Geometry Education
- 2008Publication
Physics Playground: Physics Education in Virtual Reality
- 2008Publication
Secure and customizable software applications in embedded networks
- 2008Publication
PlayMancer - A European Serious Gaming 3D Environment
- 2008Publication
Numismatic Object Identification Using Fusion of Shape and Local Descriptors
- 2008Publication
Recognizing Ancient Coins Based on Local Features
- 2008Publication
Image-Based Classification Of Ancient Coins
- 2008Publication
Improving Tracking Using Structure
- 2008Publication
Kernel-Based Tracking Using Spatial Structure
- 2008Publication
Tracking by Hierarchical Representation of Target Structure
- 2008Publication
Evaluation of Gradient Vector Flow for Interest Point Detection
- 2008Publication
On Segmentation Evaluation Metrics and Region Counts
- 2008Publication
Estimation Of Fit Confidence In Active Shape Model Search For The Reliable Measurement Of Knee Alignment
- 2008Publication
Using Generalized Sparse MRF Appearance Models for Anatomical Structure Localization
- 2008Presentation
Efficient Reconstruction from Non-uniform Point Sets
- 2008Presentation
Open Issues and Chances for Topological Pyramids
- 2008Presentation
How to find Good, Optimal and Robust TSP solutions
- 2008Presentation
Graph-based Representations for Segmentation, Tracking and Shape Matching
- 2008Presentation
Skeletal Structure Generation for Optical Motion Capture
- 2008Presentation
Cognitive strategies on solving spatial tasks: development of a dynamic spatial test in augmented reality
- 2008Thesis
Musik-Genreklassifikation mit Hilfe von Hidden Markov Modellen
- 2008Thesis
Visuelle Fahrzeugverfolgung mittels Embedded Systems
- 2007Thesis
Skeletal structure generation for optical motion capture
- 2007Publication
Handy sapiens
- 2007Publication
Evaluation of content-based image descriptors by statistical methods
- 2007Publication
Warning: Subtle Aspects of Strategy Assessment may Affect Correlations Among Spatial Tests
- 2007Publication
Multiple Head Mounted Displays in Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications
- 2007Publication
Identification of Drawing Tools by Classification of Textural and Boundary Features of Strokes
- 2007Publication
Improved motion segmentation based on shadow detection
- 2007Publication
The Structurally Optimal Dual Graph Pyramid and its Application in Image Partitioning
- 2007Publication
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 12th International Conference, CAIP 2007
- 2007Publication
Semantics in Content-based Multimedia Retrieval
- 2007Publication
Multiresolution Image Segmentations in Graph Pyramids
- 2007Publication
Active Contour Segmentation of Painted Strokes without a priori Shape Knowledge
- 2007Publication
Stroke Segmentation with a Combination of Ribbon and Ziplock-Snakes
- 2007Publication
Image based recognition of coins -- An Overview of the COINS project
- 2007Publication
Colour Interest Points for Image Retrieval
- 2007Publication
Towards Integrated Authoring, Annotation, Retrieval, Adaptation, Personalization and Delivery of Multimedia Content
- 2007Publication
Analysis of a Kalman Approach for a Pedestrian Positioning System in Indoor Environments
- 2007Publication
Towards a Universal Implementation of 3D User Interaction Techniques
- 2007Publication
Face Recognition under Varying Illumination
- 2007Publication
Summary of Usability Evaluations of an Educational Augmented Reality Application
- 2007Publication
Assessment of Step Determination in a GPS/Compass/IMU System for Personal Positioning
- 2007Publication
Multi-label image segmentation via max-sum solver
- 2007Publication
Computing Homology Group Generators of Images Using Irregular Graph Pyramids
- 2007Publication
Approximating TSP Solution by MST based Graph Pyramid
- 2007Publication
Shape Matching Using the Geodesic Eccentricity Transform - A Study
- 2007Publication
Controlling Geometry of Homology Generators
- 2007Publication
Registration of Multispectral Manuscript Images as Prerequisite for Computer Aided Script Description
- 2007Publication
Optical recognition of medieval coins
- 2007Publication
Image based recognition of ancient coins
- 2007Publication
On ancient coin classification
- 2007Publication
Do Colour Interest Points Improve Image Retrieval?
- 2007Publication
Colour Adjacency Histograms for Image Matching
- 2007Publication
Morphological Distinguished Regions
- 2007Publication
A Study of Vocabularies for Image Annotation
- 2007Publication
Computing the Eccentricity Transform of a Polygonal Shape
- 2007Publication
Decomposition for Efficient Eccentricity Transform of Convex Shapes
- 2007Publication
Evaluation of 3D Shapes of Ceramics for Determination of Manufacturing Techniques
- 2007Publication
Sparse MRF Appearance Models for Fast Anatomical Structure Localisation
- 2007Publication
Robust Autonomous Model Learning from 2D and 3D Data Sets
- 2007Publication
Object Localization based on Markov Random Fields and Symmetry Interest Points
- 2007Publication
Motion Analysis of Endovascular Stent-Grafts by MDL Based Registration
- 2007Publication
Local Structure Detection with Orientation-invariant Radial Configuration
- 2007Publication
Radial Edge Configuration for Semi-local Image Structure Description
- 2007Publication
Affordable Infrared-Optical Pose Tracking for Virtual and Augmented Reality
- 2007Presentation
Entwicklung eines 3D-Raumvorstellungs-Lerntests mit Augmented Reality
- 2007Presentation
Learning Objects for Geometry Education with Augmented Reality
- 2006Thesis
Pivy : embedding a dynamic scripting language into a scene graph library
- 2006Thesis
Long distance distribution of virtual and augmented reality applications
- 2006Publication
Structure from Motion with Wide Circular Field of View Cameras
- 2006Publication
Evaluation and Analysis of Similarity Measures for Content-based Visual Information Retrieval
- 2006Publication
Contains and Inside Relationships within Combinatorial Pyramids
- 2006Publication
Fast Active Appearance Model Search Using Canonical Correlation Analysis
- 2006Publication
The 7th European Research Framework
- 2006Publication
Quaero (me) ante portas
- 2006Publication
Traveling Salesman Problem: A Foveating Pyramid Model
- 2006Publication
Designing Immersive Virtual Reality for Geometry Education
- 2006Publication
Learning Objects for Education with Augmented Reality
- 2006Publication
Virtual and Augmented Reality as Spatial Ability Training Tools
- 2006Publication
Digital Cultural Heritage - Essential for Tourism, Proc. of 1st. EVA 2006 Vienna Conference
- 2006Publication
Long Distance Distribution of Educational Augmented Reality Applications
- 2006Publication
An Event-Driven, Stochastic, Undirected Narrative (EDSUN) Framework for Interactive Contents
- 2006Publication
13. Hiearchies relating Topology and Geometry
- 2006Publication
Towards a Taxonomy of Display Styles for Ubiquitious Multimedia
- 2006Publication
Discrimination and Retrieval of Animal Sounds
- 2006Publication
The Potential of Augmented Reality in Dynamic Geometry Education
- 2006Publication
Kalman Filtering for Illumination-invariant Face Recognition
- 2006Publication
Analysis of the Data Quality of Audio Descriptions of Environmental Sounds
- 2006Publication
PAT: Profile Analysis Tool for the Documentation of Archaeological Finds
- 2006Publication
Template patch driven image segmentation
- 2006Publication
Automatic Image Segmentation by Positioning a Seed
- 2006Publication
Computing Homology for Surfaces with Generalized Maps: Application to 3D Images
- 2006Publication
Fast pedestrian tracking based on spatial features and colour
- 2006Publication
Extraction of Attributes, Nature and Context of Images
- 2006Publication
Texture segmentation through salient texture patches
- 2006Publication
On Colour Spaces for Change Detection and Shadow Suppression
- 2006Publication
Waterfall Segmentation of Complex Scenes
- 2006Publication
How Humans Describe Short Videos
- 2006Publication
Evaluating Hierarchical Graph-based Segmentation
- 2006Publication
The Eccentricity Transform (of a digital shape)
- 2006Publication
Distinguishing the 3 Primitive 3D-topological Configurations: Simplex, Hole, Tunnel
- 2006Publication
Considerations Regarding the Minimum Spanning Tree Pyramid Segmentation Method
- 2006Publication
Comparing Hierarchies of Segmentations: Humans, Normalized Cut, and Minimum Spanning Tree
- 2006Publication
Collapsing 3D Combinatorial Maps
- 2006Publication
Irregular Pyramid Segmentations with Stochastic Graph Decimation Strategies
- 2006Publication
Active Feature Models
- 2006Publication
Annotation Propagation by MDL Based Correspondences
- 2006Publication
Extension of Standard Active Contuor Models (Snakes) for Stroke Segmentation in Paintings
- 2006Publication
Color Pair Clustering for Texture Detection
- 2006Publication
Predicting Near Infrared Face Texture from Color Face Images using Canonical Correlation Analysis
- 2006Publication
Estimation of Face Depth Maps from Color Textures using Canonical Correlation Analysis
- 2006Publication
3D and Infrared Face Reconstruction from RGB data using Canonical Correlation Analysis
- 2006Publication
Determination of Ancient Manufacturing Techniques of Ceramics by 3D Shape Estimation
- 2006Publication
Orientation of Fragments of Rotationally Symmetrical 3D-Shapes for Archaeological Documentation
- 2006Publication
Motion Detection Using an Improved Colour model
- 2006Publication
Visual Surveillance for Airport Monitoring Applications
- 2006Publication
Multi-Camera Tracking for Airport Surveillance Applications
- 2006Publication
Automated Investigation of Archaeological Vessels
- 2006Publication
3D Object Localisation and Evaluation from Video Streams
- 2006Publication
People and Vehicle Tracking for Visual Surveillance
- 2006Publication
Motion and Shadow Detection with an Improved Colour Model
- 2006Publication
Overview of the ImageCLEF 2006 Photographic Retrieval and Object Annotation Tasks
- 2006Publication
3D Acquisition of Archaeological Fragments and Web based 3D Data Storage
- 2006Presentation
Learning Objects for Education with Augmented Reality
- 2006Presentation
Long Distance Distribution of Educational Augmented Reality Applications
- 2006Presentation
An Event-Driven, Stochastic, Undirected Narrative (EDSUN) Framework for Interactive Contents
- 2006Presentation
The MUSCLE / ImageCLEF Image Retrieval Evaluation Campaigns
- 2006Presentation
Analysis of Keywords used in Image Understanding Tasks
- 2006Presentation
Results of the MUSCLE CIS Coin Competition 2006
- 2006Presentation
A Dataset of Annotated Animals
- 2006Thesis
Template-based face detection in videos
- 2006Thesis
Visualization of complex function graphs in augmented reality
- 2006Thesis
Automatische Erkennung von Text in Videosequenzen
- 2006Thesis
Minimal combinatorial maps for analyzing 3D data
- 2006Thesis
Structurally optimal dual graph pyramid and its application in image partitioning
- 2006Publication
Automatic Detection of Erosions in Rheumatoid Arthritis Assessment
- 2005Thesis
Discrimination and retrieval of animal sounds
- 2005Thesis
Discrimination and retrieval of environmental sounds
- 2005Thesis
A query algebra for ontology-enhanced management of multimedia meta objects
- 2005Publication
Vision Pyramids that do not Grow too High
- 2005Publication
Visual Information Retrieval
- 2005Publication
Artificial Intelligence and Query Execution Methods in the VizIR Framework
- 2005Publication
Web automatization with Mechanize
- 2005Publication
Geometrie und Raumvorstellung - Psychologische Perspektiven
- 2005Publication
3D-Vision Applied in Archaeology
- 2005Publication
Analysis of Geometry and Documentation of NASCA Ceramics using 3D-Acquisiton
- 2005Publication
Improving Spatial Abilities by Geometry Education in Augmented Reality - Application and Evaluation Design
- 2005Publication
Perl. Einführung in die Programmierung und Problemlösen
- 2005Publication
Pattern Recognition: 27th DAGM Symposium
- 2005Publication
Proceedings of the 10th Computer Vision Winter Workshop CVWW 2005
- 2005Publication
General Training of Spatial Abilities by Geometry Education in Augmented Reality
- 2005Publication
Integral trees: Subtree depth and diameter, PRIP TR-092
- 2005Publication
Gigabit Ethernet-based Parallel Video Processing
- 2005Publication
Content-based Querying Embedded in Multimedia Presentations
- 2005Publication
Hierarchical Image Partitioning using Combinatorial Maps
- 2005Publication
Inside and Outside within Combinatorial Pyramids
- 2005Publication
A Graph-Based Concept for Spatiotemporal Information in Cognitive Vision
- 2005Publication
Grouping of Non-connected Structures by an Irregular Graph Pyramid
- 2005Publication
Hierarchical Image Partitioning using Combinatorial Maps
- 2005Publication
Model-Based Occlusion Handling for Tracking in Crowded scenes
- 2005Publication
Evaluating Minimum Spanning Tree Based Segmentation Algorithms
- 2005Publication
Texture Based Drawing Tool Classification in Infrared Reflectograms
- 2005Publication
A Clique of Active Appearance Models by Minimum
- 2005Publication
MDL-based Splitting of PCA Models
- 2005Publication
Segmentation and Surveying of Cutaneous Hemangiomas
- 2005Publication
Robust Detection and Performance Evaluation of Individuals and Vehicles on an Airport's Apron
- 2005Publication
An Evaluation of Error Metrics for the Segmentation of Moving Objects on an Airport's Apron
- 2005Publication
Evaluation of Motion Segmentation Quality for Aircraft Activity Surveillance
- 2005Publication
Visual Surveillance for Aircraft Activity Monitoring
- 2005Publication
Evaluation of Object Tracking for Aircraft Activity Surveillance
- 2005Publication
On the Detection of Individuals and Vehicles on an Airport's Apron
- 2005Publication
Distributed Multi-Camera Surveillance for Aircraft Servicing Operations
- 2005Publication
Automated Scene Understanding for Airport Aprons
- 2005Publication
Illumination-invariant morphological texture classification
- 2005Publication
Supervised Texture Detection in Images
- 2005Publication
Semi-automatic Segmentation of Textured Images
- 2005Publication
Steerable Semi-automatic Segmentation of Textured Images
- 2005Publication
An Application Analysis Approach For Noise Estimation in Panoramic X-Ray Images
- 2005Publication
A Sparse Image Representation Using Contourlets
- 2005Publication
Color Image Compression: Early Vision and the Multiresolution Representations
- 2005Publication
Blind Background Substraction in Dental Panoramic X-ray Images: An Application Approach
- 2005Publication
Background Removal in Dental Panoramic X-ray Images by the A-Trous Multiresolution Transform
- 2005Publication
The Contourlet Transform for Image Compression
- 2005Publication
A Comparative Study of Artificial Neural Network Techniques for River Stage Forecasting
- 2005Publication
An automatic inspection system for the diagnosis of printed circuits based on neural networks
- 2005Publication
Noise Estimation in Panoramic X-ray Images: An Application Analysis Approach
- 2005Publication
A Combined Multiresolution Approach for Faint Source Extraction from Infrared Astronomical Raw Images Sequence
- 2005Publication
A Method for Determining Geometrical Distortions of Off-the-shelf Wide-Angle Cameras
- 2005Publication
A Method for Determining Geometrical Distortion of Off-The-Shelf Wide-Angle Cameras
- 2005Publication
CCA-based Active Appearance Model Search
- 2005Publication
Fast Active Appearance Model Search based on CCA and its application to hand radiographs
- 2005Publication
Detection and Analysis of Lines on the Surface of Arachaeological Pottery
- 2005Publication
Classification of Color Pigments in Hyperspectral Images
- 2005Publication
Investigation on Traditional and Modern Ceramic Documentation
- 2005Publication
Automated 3D-Scanning and Analyis of Archaeological Objects
- 2005Publication
Robust 3D Reconstruction of Archaeological Pottery based on Concentric Circular Rills
- 2005Publication
Panel: Virtual Reality and Spatial Ability
- 2005Presentation
CoCoMA: Content and Context Aware Multimedia Content Retrieval, Delivery and
- 2005Presentation
Improving Spatial Abilities by Geometry Education in Augmented Reality - Application and Evaluation Design
- 2005Presentation
Förderung der Raumvorstellung mit Construct3D
- 2005Presentation
General Training of Spatial Abilities by Geometry Education in Augmented Realiy
- 2005Presentation
Raumvorstellungstraining mit Augmented Reality - wer profitiert vom Einsatz neuer Technologien?
- 2005Thesis
3D active appearance models for segmentation of cardiac MRI data
- 2005Thesis
A Java-based streaming media server
- 2005Publication
Optimal Sub-Shape Models by Minimum Description
- 2005Publication
Evaluation of a method for digital definition of bone shapes
- 2004Thesis
Geometry education with augmented reality
- 2004Publication
On-Ground Astronomical Data Processing
- 2004Publication
Electronic Documentation Tool for Archaeology: an automated system for fragments of ceramics
- 2004Publication
Automated joint localization, estimation of the bone contour and consecutive detection of defects of the bone contour in metacarpal bones for computer aided diagnosis (CAD) in rheumatoid arthritis
- 2004Publication
Concept of a fully automated web-based scoring system for desctructive changes by rheumatoid arthritis - RheumaCoachCAD
- 2004Presentation
SMIL and SVG in teaching
- 2004Presentation
A new perspective on visual information retrieval
- 2004Presentation
A new method for visual descriptor evaluation
- 2004Thesis
On-board processing for an infrared observatory
- 2003Publication
Receptive fields within the Combinatorial Pyramid Framework
- 2003Publication
Augmented Reality für die Geometrie
- 2003Publication
Collaborative Augmented Reality in Education
- 2003Publication
Mathematical Morphology Applied to Circular Data
- 2003Publication
The isophotic metric and its application to feature sensitive morphology on surfaces
- 2003Publication
Experimental Results of MIS, MIES, MIDES and D3P
- 2003Publication
Quality Control of Agro-alimentarxy Products
- 2003Publication
On Board Data Compression: Noise and Compexity Related Aspects
- 2003Publication
Image Compression using Hartley Transform
- 2003Publication
Hierarchical Image Partitioning with Dual Graph Contraction
- 2003Publication
Automated Profile Extraction of Archaeological Fragments
- 2003Publication
Automated Extraction of Profiles from 3D Models of Achaeological Fragments
- 2003Publication
Development of a System for Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) in rheumatoid Arthritis (1): automated joint localization in handradiographs
- 2003Publication
Development of a system for Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) in rheumatoid arthritis (2) automated accurate estimation of the bony contour of metacarpal bones
- 2003Presentation
Collaborative Augmented Reality in Education
- 2003Presentation
Visual Similarity Measurement with the Feature Contrast Model
- 2003Presentation
How good are the visual MPEG-7 features?
- 2003Presentation
Media handling for visual information retrieval in VizIR
- 2003Thesis
Cue integration techniques for robust feature tracking
- 2003Thesis
Automatic quantification of destructive changes caused by rheumatoid arthritis
- 2003Thesis
Multi-view tracking methods
- 2003Publication
Automatic Quantification of Destructive Changes caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis
- 2002Thesis
Visual traffic surveillance using real-time tracking
- 2002Publication
Reduction Factors of Pyramids on Undirected and Directed Graphs
- 2002Publication
Irregular Eigenimage Pyramids and Robust Appearance-Based Object Recognition
- 2002Thesis
Lagebestimmung des Kopfes mittels Kernel Cannonical Correlation Analysis
- 2002Thesis
Robust analysis of spot array images
- 2002Thesis
Generalized canonical correlation analysis for object recognition
- 2002Thesis
Visuelle Personenverfolgung