The Computer Vision Winter Workshop is an annual meeting formed around re-search groups from the Vienna University of Technology (PRIP), Graz University ofTechnology (ICG), Czech Technical University in Prague (CMP), and the Univer-sity of Ljubljana (CVG, MVG, ViCoS). The goal of the workshop is to communicatefresh ideas between the four groups and to provide conference experience to students.The workshop is open to students worldwide.The 18th edition of this workshop was organized by the Pattern Recognition andImage Processing Group (PRIP), and was held in Hernstein, Austria, February 4-6,2013.32 Papers were submitted to the workshop this year. Each of them was reviewedby at least 2 members of the Program Committee, and 28 were selected for oralpresentation at the workshop. A few authors wished that their paper is not includedin these proceedings. According to the general philosophy of the CVWW series,these wishes have been accepted. 16 papers were included in the proceedings of theworkshop.Besides the submitted papers, one invited talk was included. We would like tothank Werner Purgathofer (Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, ViennaUniversity of Technology) for his valuable contribution.Last but not least, we would like to thank the members of the Program Committeefor their careful reviews, and wish the participants many new contacts and freshideas.
Kropatsch, W., Torres Garcia, F., & Ramachandran, G. (Eds.). (2013). Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013. PRIP, TU Wien. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/23712