Abstract This paper introduces a new method to rep-resent the surface of objects using two dimensional com-binatorial maps. The classical de nition of two dimen-sional combinatorial maps is extended here by addinga back face" that corresponds to the non{visible partof the object. As a rst step, every object in the sceneis extracted in one image pyramid, where levels are re-lated by means of coordinates. Finally, an algorithmto complete the description of the surface is presented.Such representation is translation, rotation and scaleinvariant. It will allow to update information aboutmovements and parts of the object that become visible,reducing the complexity and the computational time.
Antunez, E., Molina Abril, H., & Kropatsch, W. (2010). Representing the Surface of Objects by Combinatorial Pyramids. In Proceedings of the 15th Computer Vision Winter Workshop (pp. 85–90). Libor {v S}pa{v c}ek and Vojt{v e}ch Franc. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/53396