Advanced Computational Design. The SFB Advanced Computational Design addresses the research question of how to advance design tools and processes through multi- and interdisciplinary basic research. We will develop advanced computational design tools in order to improve design quality and efficiency of processes in architecture and construction. The proposed research is structured in three areas: design methodology (A1), visual and haptic design interaction (A2) and form finding (A3). A1 focuses on the conceptual basis for new digital methods of design based on machine learning. A1 also acts as a platform for integrating and evaluating the computational tools and methods developed in A2 and A3. A2 investigates real-time global-illumination and optimization algorithms for lighting design, as well as a new method for large-scale haptic interactions in virtual reality. In A3, form finding will be explored regarding geometric, mechanical and material constraints, in particular: paneling of complex shapes by patches of certain surface classes while optimizing the number of molds; algorithms for finding new transformable quad-surfaces; mechanical models for an efficient simulation of bio-composite material systems. Furthermore, new ways of form finding will be explored through physical experiments, which will allow for reconsidering model assumptions and constraints, validating the developed algorithmic approaches, and finding new ones.
Wimmer, M., Kovacic, I., Ferschin, P., Rist, F., Hensel, M., Schinegger, K., Rutzinger, S., Kaufmann, H., Kilian, M., Müller, C., Izmestiev, I., Nawratil, G., Füssl, J., Stavric, M., Hahn, D., & Suter, G. (2022). Advanced Computational Design – digitale Methoden für die frühe Entwurfsphase. Bautechnik, 99(10), 720–730. https://doi.org/10.1002/bate.202200057