In this paper, we present an extensible framework for interactivemultimodal contents, with emphasis on augmented reality applications. Theproposed framework, EDSUN, enables concurrent and variable narrativestructures as well as content reusability and dynamic yet natural experiencegeneration. EDSUN's main components include a canonical specification of 5-state lexical syntax and grammar, stochastic state transitions, and extensions forhierarchical grammars to represent complex behavioral and multimodalinteractions. The benefits of EDSUN in enabling classical contents to supportthe affordances of AR environments and in complementing recent publishedworks are also discussed.
Barclay, A., & Kaufmann, H. (2006). An Event-Driven, Stochastic, Undirected Narrative (EDSUN) Framework for Interactive Contents. Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, Third International Conference, TIDSE 2006, Darmstadt, Deutschland, EU. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/84514