This thesis gives an overview of the author´s scientific work in previousyears. It reflects the author´s ambition to develop applications of mixedreality which are beneficial to society as a whole or to specific groups ofpeople.Providing and deploying high-end mixed reality hardware and softwareapplications to multiple users and larger target groups finally raises questionsof scalability, robustness, design and affordability of the technology involved.They trigger scientific questions and developments in return. All of theseaspects will be touched in this work.The first part of the introduction defines the scientific domain and variousproblems therein followed by a discussion of the author´s contribution inthis area. The individual publications that constitute the remainder of thethesis are discussed and put in context.
Kaufmann, H. (2010). Applications of Mixed Reality. Holzhausen. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/23842