In this thesis a hard- and software setup is presented, which allows to equip any shop window with multitouch functionality. First, this paper summarizes the theoretic fundamentals of optical sensor technology and light sources. Then an overview of the available multitouch-technologies is provided. Thereby we focus on camera-based technologies, which are suitable for self-construction and for the realisation of large-sized displays. Furthermore, miscellaneous software-components, which can be used for the implementation of multitouch-applications, are described. Hereupon the implemented hardware-setup, as well as the used and self-developed software, is presented.
Grünling, M. (2011). Entwicklung eines multitouchfähigen Schaufensters [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/160436