
Music is an essential part of our culture and heritage. Throughout the centuries, millions of songs were composed and written down in documents using music notation. Optical Music Recognition (OMR) is the research field that investigates how the computer can learn to read those documents. Despite decades of research, OMR is still considered far from being solved. One reason is that traditional approaches rely heavily on heuristics and often do not generalize well. In this thesis, I propose a different approach to let the computer learn to read music notation documents mostly by itself using machine learning, especially deep learning. In several experiments, I have demonstrated that the computer can learn to robustly solve many tasks involved in OMR by using supervised learning. These include the structural analysis of the document, the detection and classification of symbols in the scores as well as the construction of the music notation graph, which is an intermediate representation that can be exported into a format suitable for further processing. A trained deep convolutional neural network can reliably detect whether an image contains music or not, while another one is capable of finding and linking individual measures across multiple sources for easy navigation between them. Detecting symbols in typeset and handwritten scores can be learned, given a sufficient amount of annotated data, and classifying isolated symbols can be performed at even lower error rates than those of humans. For scores written in mensural notation the complete recognition can even be simplified into just three steps, two of which can be solved with machine learning. Apart from publishing a number of scientific articles, I have gathered and documented the most extensive collection of datasets for OMR as well as the probably most comprehensive bibliography currently available. Both are available online. Moreover I was involved in the organization of the International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, in a joint tutorial at the International Society For Music Information Retrieval Conference on OMR as well as in another workshop at the Music Encoding Conference. Many challenges of OMR can be solved efficiently with deep learning, such as the layout analysis or music object detection. As music notation is a configurational writing system where the relations and interplay between symbols determine the musical semantic, these relationships have to be recognized as well. A music notation graph is a suitable representation for storing this information. It allows to clearly distinguish between the challenges involved in recovering information from the music score image and the encoding of the recovered information into a specific output format while complying with the rules of music notation. While the construction of such a graph can be learned as well, there are still many open issues that need future research. But I am confident that training the computer on a sufficiently large dataset under human supervision is a sustainable approach that will help to solve many applications of OMR in the future.


Pacha, A. (2019). Self-learning optical music recognition [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2019.68485