Computational perception of audiovisual media (e.g. face recognition, speech recognition, speaker recognition), forensic application of biometric media understanding technology, development of methods and processes in the area of big data analysis (summarization, statistical filtering, machine learning & classification including deep learning), development of multimedia and mixed reality applications (in particular, of hybrid systems), and analysis of software quality and usability of large software projects and web-based systems.
Office hours
I am part-time at TU Wien. Please contact me by e-mail. How to find my office (room HG0401): Enter Favoritenstrasse 11, go to stair 3, ascend to the fourth floor, take the first aisle on the right, once inside you stand right in front of my office.
PhD Thesis Topics
Forensic Biometrics. As an expert witness for forensic person recognition in Austria and at the International Criminal Court in The Hague I work with state of the art methods for face recognition, person recognition and speech recognition in order to identify subjects wanted in connection with criminal events. In this context I am looking for a PhD student who would like to conduct research in relevant areas of forensic biometrics, e.g. gait analysis, (semi-)automatic generation of speech corpora in relevant languages, etc.
Hybrid System Design. In the context of the Virtual Reality projects Virtual Jumpcube and Vreeclimber we have developed hybrid systems with a large number of non-standard stimulation devices in the areas of touch, smell and even taste. These installations have been heavily used at exhibitions and have frequently been evaluated with large numbers of users. Based on these data and the given systems, I am looking for a PhD student who would be willing to perform additional experiments and publish the findings in systematic fashion, e.g. in the context of HCI, virtual reality systems or hybrid multimedia applications.
Strategy Game Modelling. In courses at the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien we have developed various environments for the implementation of intelligent agents for playing strategy games. Based on these environments students have suggested various approaches for reinforcement learning based algorithms that are able to solve complex strategic learning problems. As a result, we have a rich ground of available material for a PhD student who would like to conduct her/his research in the area of strategic planning, either in a gaming context or otherwise.
Note: Please be aware that at the moment we have no scientific funding for these PhD project. However, there exists the possibility to combine the PhD project with practical software engineering work in a part-time occupation at TU Wien. If you are interested, please send me an email.
More Information & Links
- Running and finished student topics and projects (since 2019)
- Personal entry in the TU Informaton Systems (TISS)
- Researcher profile at TU Wien
- Handbook of Multimedia of Information Retrieval (2013)
- My former website at the Interactive Media Systems group (legacy; active 2000-2018). Please see this site in particular for completed tasks, old projects and news items.
- Hybrid lab: A list of our recent hybrid systems projects
- External websites of the popular Virtual Jumpcube project and the new Vreeclimber project.
- External website for my activities as a certified expert witness for IT, signal processing, biometrics, applied statistics and numerical mathematics at all Austrian courts
Current Project: Vree Runner
The Vree Runner project uses the existing infrastructure of the Virtual Jumpcube project and implements a virtual reality application for house running down St. Stephen’s Cathedral in downtown Vienna that includes haptic stimuli such as an earthquake and wind. In the future, spray & heat will be added as well as olfactory stimuli + more scenarios (e.g. walking down a crater on the Moon).
Current Project: Vreeclimber
The Vreeclimber project combines virtual reality and complex multimedia with a physical rotating climbing wall thus creating a globally unique hybrid system that, for examples, enables the user to experience rock climbing on the moon, St. Stephen’s cathedral or in free space. Please contact me if you would like to contribute to this project.
Available topics
Courses (2025S)
- PR193.023M. Waldner, M. Wimmer, H. Eidenberger, P. Kan, P. Purgathofer, R. Sablatnig, R. Raidou, S. Dini-Mortezapoor, H. Kaufmann, S. Miksch, H. Tellioglu, H. Brument, P. Hermosilla Casajus, M. Kampel, W. Aigner, M. Bögl, D. Ceneda, E. Gröller, M. Gelautz, W. Kropatsch, V. Filipov, M. Tuscher
Project in Visual Computing 1
- PR193.024M. Waldner, M. Wimmer, H. Eidenberger, P. Kan, R. Sablatnig, R. Raidou, S. Dini-Mortezapoor, H. Kaufmann, S. Miksch, H. Brument, P. Hermosilla Casajus, M. Kampel, W. Aigner, M. Bögl, D. Ceneda, E. Gröller, M. Gelautz, V. Filipov, M. Tuscher
Project in Visual Computing 2
- PR193.021H. Eidenberger, P. Kan, P. Purgathofer, R. Sablatnig, S. Dini-Mortezapoor, A. Weiss, H. Kaufmann, S. Miksch, H. Tellioglu, F. Michahelles, K. Spiel, H. Brument, P. Hermosilla Casajus, F. Wolling, K. Blasiak, M. Kampel, W. Aigner, M. Bögl, D. Ceneda, M. Gelautz, V. Filipov, M. Pollak, M. Tuscher
Project Media and Human-Centered Computing 1
- PR193.022H. Eidenberger, P. Kan, P. Purgathofer, R. Sablatnig, S. Dini-Mortezapoor, A. Weiss, H. Kaufmann, S. Miksch, H. Tellioglu, F. Michahelles, K. Spiel, H. Brument, P. Hermosilla Casajus, F. Wolling, K. Blasiak, M. Kampel, W. Aigner, M. Bögl, E. Gröller, M. Gelautz
Project Media and Human-Centered Computing 2
- SE188.081A. Tjoa, A. Rauber, H. Eidenberger, S. Miksch, P. Knees, W. Aigner, E. Weippl, G. Futschek, S. Biffl
Research seminar for PhD students
- 2024Thesis
Plant detection and state classification with machine learning
- 2024Thesis
Towards improving Monte Carlo tree search for games with imperfect information
- 2024Thesis
Political opinion analysis and figure of speech detection : Topic and opinion type classification in the political context; alliteration and hyperbole detedction
- 2024Thesis
Artificially Intelligent Political Agents
- 2024Thesis
Music Semantic Reconstruction with Deep Learning : Learning How to Construct Music Notation Graphs With Graphs Neural Networks
- 2023Thesis
Development of a vision-based foot massage robot
- 2023Thesis
Safer Internet Chatbot
- 2023Thesis
Digital credentials in higher education: An exploratory prototype for TU Wien
- 2022Thesis
Design and evaluation of a sound application using acoustic scene classification
- 2021Publication
Gestalt descriptions for deep image understanding
- 2021Thesis
Recommending reviewers for theses using artificial intelligence
- 2021Thesis
Evaluation of immersion in externally directed VR
- 2021Thesis
Game design in virtual reality
- 2021Thesis
Cryptocurrencies: Deep learning for sentiment & market analysis
- 2021Thesis
Using natural language processing to measure the consistency of opinions expressed by politicians
- 2020Thesis
Evaluation of microservice implementation approaches for image processing
- 2020Thesis
Deep learning of humor from Gary Larson’s cartoons
- 2020Thesis
Novel visual media summarization methods for retrieval applications
- 2019Thesis
Automation of the virtual jump simulator
- 2019Thesis
Hand simulation for virtual climbing
- 2019Thesis
Automatisierte Prognose der Entwicklung von Kryptowährungspreisen
- 2019Thesis
Video object recognition based on deep learning
- 2019Thesis
Self-learning optical music recognition
- 2018Publication
Smell and touch in the Virtual Jumpcube
- 2018Thesis
Replication in loosely coupled systems : simulation and evaluation of replication strategies for their use in loosely coupled IT systems
- 2018Thesis
Inhaltsbasierte Suchmaschine für Videos von Parlamentssitzungen
- 2018Publication
Handwritten Music Object Detection: Open Issues and Baseline Results
- 2018Publication
Gestalt Interest Points with a Neural Network for Makeup-Robust Face Recognition
- 2018Thesis
Hybrid tracking technology for virtual rock climbing
- 2018Thesis
Anwendungs-Design für virtuelles Klettern
- 2018Thesis
Ein One-Stop-Shop für Smartcard-basierte Dienstleistungen
- 2017Thesis
An emergent system for multimedial document management
- 2017Publication
Towards a Universal Music Symbol Classifier
- 2017Publication
Towards Self-Learning Optical Music Recognition
- 2017Publication
The Gestalt Interest Points Distance Feature for Compact and Accurate Image Description
- 2017Thesis
Visualization of computer-generated 3D cities using GIS data
- 2016Thesis
Open data REST-services
- 2016Publication
Similarity Assessment as a Dual Process Model of Counting and Measuring
- 2016Publication
An Efficient DCT template-based Object Detection Method using Phase Correlation
- 2016Publication
Machine Learning with Dual Process Models
- 2016Thesis
Avatar control by automatically detected face interest points
- 2016Thesis
Comparison of treatment plan models
- 2015Thesis
Trainingsüberprüfung mittels Methoden aus "Machine Learning"
- 2015Thesis
Design and implementation of an automatic tourist guide
- 2015Thesis
Virtual reality content creator : a generic content creation and placement tool for simulations and storytelling in unity 3D
- 2015Thesis
A system for optical music recognition and audio synthesis
- 2015Thesis
Machine learning with dual process models
- 2015Publication
Indoor skydiving in immersive virtual reality with embedded storytelling
- 2015Thesis
Noise Map: eine kartografische Visualisierung für Daten erhoben durch die Noise-O-Meter Applikation
- 2015Thesis
Intrinsische Plagiatserkennung durch stilometrische Clusteranalyse
- 2014Thesis
Genre-basierte automatische Komposition von MIDI-Daten
- 2014Publication
Gestalt Interest Points for Image Description in Weight-Invariant Face Recognition
- 2014Thesis
Easy to use spreadsheet application
- 2013Publication
Qualität nach Maß
- 2013Thesis
Visualizing and interactive modelling of process hierarchies
- 2013Publication
New Content-Based Features for the Distinction of Violent Videos and Martial Arts
- 2013Thesis
Video-Segmentierung durch Analyse audiovisueller Merkmale
- 2013Thesis
Kontrollflusstransformation von BPMN zu Asbru
- 2013Thesis
BCI-based cursor control using EEG sensorimotor rhythms
- 2013Thesis
Pattern-Based MIDI Composing
- 2012Thesis
Intelligent video annotation and retrieval techniques
- 2012Thesis
Interaktive Analyse audiovisueller Medien
- 2012Thesis
Automated classification of paintings
- 2012Publication
Professional Media Understanding
- 2012Publication
Frontiers of Media Understanding
- 2012Publication
Handbook of Multimedia Information Retrieval
- 2011Thesis
Emotionsbasierte Videoverfremdung
- 2011Thesis
Evaluierung und Visualisierung von Interest-Point-Detektoren
- 2010Thesis
Programmierung von Multimediasensoren für mobile Informationsszenarien
- 2010Thesis
Spracherkennung in mobilen Endgeräten
- 2010Thesis
Automatische Erkennung von Gewaltszenen in Filmen
- 2009Publication
On Feature Selection in Environmental Sound Recognition
- 2008Thesis
Implementierung eines historischen 3D-Weltatlasses auf der Basis von X3D
- 2008Publication
- 2008Publication
Werkzeuge für Medien-Streaming
- 2008Publication
Frameworks für Medienverarbeitung
- 2008Publication
Review von Wiki-Engines
- 2008Publication
Evaluation of content-based Features for User-Centred Image Retrieval in Small Media Collections
- 2008Thesis
Musik-Genreklassifikation mit Hilfe von Hidden Markov Modellen
- 2007Publication
Handy sapiens
- 2007Publication
Evaluation of content-based image descriptors by statistical methods
- 2007Publication
Semantics in Content-based Multimedia Retrieval
- 2007Publication
Towards Integrated Authoring, Annotation, Retrieval, Adaptation, Personalization and Delivery of Multimedia Content
- 2006Publication
Evaluation and Analysis of Similarity Measures for Content-based Visual Information Retrieval
- 2006Publication
The 7th European Research Framework
- 2006Publication
Quaero (me) ante portas
- 2006Publication
Kalman Filtering for Illumination-invariant Face Recognition
- 2006Publication
Analysis of the Data Quality of Audio Descriptions of Environmental Sounds
- 2006Thesis
Template-based face detection in videos
- 2006Thesis
Automatische Erkennung von Text in Videosequenzen
- 2005Thesis
Discrimination and retrieval of animal sounds
- 2005Thesis
Discrimination and retrieval of environmental sounds
- 2005Publication
Visual Information Retrieval
- 2005Publication
Artificial Intelligence and Query Execution Methods in the VizIR Framework
- 2005Publication
Web automatization with Mechanize
- 2005Publication
Perl. Einführung in die Programmierung und Problemlösen
- 2005Publication
Gigabit Ethernet-based Parallel Video Processing
- 2005Publication
Content-based Querying Embedded in Multimedia Presentations
- 2005Presentation
CoCoMA: Content and Context Aware Multimedia Content Retrieval, Delivery and
- 2005Thesis
A Java-based streaming media server
- 2004Presentation
SMIL and SVG in teaching
- 2004Presentation
A new perspective on visual information retrieval
- 2004Presentation
A new method for visual descriptor evaluation
- 2003Presentation
Visual Similarity Measurement with the Feature Contrast Model
- 2003Presentation
How good are the visual MPEG-7 features?
- 2003Presentation
Media handling for visual information retrieval in VizIR