Captic, an Austrian company, offers the only EU-proprietary platform for web-based virtual worlds (WebXR) and sponsored a free VR WebXR platform and chat for this website.
Menu-> Virtual Meeting Room, directly accessible at
VR Group WebXR chat

Recently Captic’s VRland added scripting functionality, e.g.
* Scripting Interface & Editor – compatible with A-Frame and Three.js, it allows for the customisation and adding of game elements in-world, including API and AI integrations. It can be used directly and live in the browser without a development environment.
* JSON Scene Editing – allows you to modify scene settings (i.e. spawn points, environment settings, room settings such as password protection and maximum users).

The goal of this work is to integrate an AI agent into VR group’s platform that can talk to people using large language models.

Depending if this is done as a Bachelor thesis, Praktikum or Master thesis, the topic will be refined.