Available topics
- 2024Publication
Stiffness simulation with haptic feedback using robotic gripper and paper Origami as end-effector
- 2024Publication
Towards Environment- and Task-Independent Locomotion Prediction for Haptic VR
- 2023Publication
Action-Origami Inspired Haptic Devices for Virtual Reality
- 2023Publication
CoboDeck: a large-scale haptic VR system using a collaborative mobile robot
- 2021Publication
StARboard & TrACTOr: Actuated Tangibles in an Educational TAR Application
- 2021Thesis
Mobile collaborating robots for direct haptics in mixed reality
- 2020Thesis
In-situ-questionnaires for haptic experience in VR
- 2020Thesis
Visual and oculomotoric assessment with an eye-tracking head-mounted display
- 2018Thesis
TrACTOr & StARboard : tracking and haptic interaction for learning in AR
- 2018Publication
Robot Supported Virtual and Augmented Reality
- 2017Thesis
Virtual Reality zum Anfassen : VR-System mit robotergestütztem haptischem Feedback : VR system with robotic haptic feedback
- 2017Publication
VRRobot: Robot actuated props in an infinite virtual environment
- 2016Thesis
Speckle Tracking : ACTO Tracking durch optische Maussensoren
- 2016Publication
ImmersiveDeck: A large-scale wireless VR system for multiple users
- 2016Publication
Design of a Health Monitoring Toy for Children
- 2016Presentation
MediCubes: A Health Monitoring Toy for Children
- 2015Thesis
Game-based health monitoring using tangible user interface objects
- 2015Thesis
MoCapGym: Erlernen motorischer Fähigkeiten mittels Motion-Capture
- 2014Publication
Vision-Based Long-Range 3D Tracking, applied to Underground Surveying Tasks
- 2014Publication
- 2013Publication
3D building reconstruction and thermal mapping in fire brigade operations
- 2013Publication
3D building reconstruction and thermal mapping in fire brigade operations
- 2013Publication
Parallel Tracking and Mapping in Hofburg Festsaal
- 2013Presentation
Robust Long-Range Optical Tracking for Tunneling Measurement Tasks
- 2012Publication
Analyzing the Feasibility of PTAM based Localization Algorithms in Large Environments on Mobile Devices
- 2011Thesis
Development of an active motion capture suit for teaching motion skills