
We present preliminary results of work on a low-cost multi-userimmersive Virtual Reality system that enables collaborative experiencesin large virtual environments. In the proposed setup at leastthree users can walk and interact freely and untethered in a 200 m2area. The required equipment is worn on the body and rendering isperformed locally on each user to minimize latency. Inside-out opticalhead tracking is coupled with a low-cost motion capture suit totrack the full body and the head. Movements of users, 3D interactionsand the positions of selected real world objects are distributedover a wireless network in a server-client architecture. As a result,users see the effect of their interactions with objects and otherusers in real time. We describe the architecture of our implementedproof-of-concept system.


Podkosova, I., Vasylevska, K., Schönauer, C., Vonach, E., Fikar, P., Broneder, E., & Kaufmann, H. (2016). ImmersiveDeck: A large-scale wireless VR system for multiple users. In Proceesings of the 9th Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems SEARIS 2016. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/56489