Research Interests
- Multi-user VR, AR and MR systems and applications
- Large-scale VR
- Embodiment and co-embodiment
- Virtual agents and interactions between avatars (embodied users) and agents
- Group navigation
- WebXR
- 2023Publication
Evaluation of Virtual Reality for Early-Stage Structure and Production Planning for Industrial Buildings
- 2023Publication
Joint Action in Collaborative Mixed Reality: Effects of Immersion Type and Physical Location
- 2023Publication
Evaluation and improvement of HMD-based and RGB-based hand tracking solutions in VR
- 2023Thesis
Projectverse: a web-based virtual reality platform for visualizing research projects
- 2022Publication
Point cloud to BIM registration for robot localization and Augmented Reality
- 2022Publication
Evaluation of a Real-time Optimization and Decision Making Framework in Virtual Reality for Life Cycle Analysis of Flexible Industrial Building Structures Incoporating Production Processes
- 2022Publication
BIMFlexi-VR: A Virtual Reality Framework for Early-Stage Collaboration in Flexible Industrial Building Design
- 2022Thesis
Point cloud registration in BIM models for robot localization
- 2021Publication
Colocation for SLAM-Tracked VR Headsets with Hand Tracking
- 2021Publication
The VRNetzer platform enables interactive network analysis in Virtual Reality
- 2021Publication
Exploring behaviour towards avatars and agents in immersive virtual environments with mixed-agency interactions
- 2020Publication
Framework Proposal for a BIM-Based Digital Platform for Flexible Design and Optimization of Industrial Buildings for Industry 4.0
- 2019Thesis
VRNet - a framework for multi-user virtual reality
- 2019Publication
Virtual vs. Physical Navigation in VR: Study of Gaze and Body Segments Temporal Reorientation Behaviour
- 2018Thesis
Walkable multi-user VR : the effects of physical and virtual colocation
- 2018Publication
Mutual collision avoidance during walking in real and collaborative virtual environments
- 2018Publication
Co-presence and proxemics in shared walkable virtual environments with mixed colocation
- 2017Publication
Teaching Virtual Reality with HTC Vive and Leap Motion
- 2017Publication
Preventing Imminent Collisions between Co-Located Users in HMD-Based VR in Non-Shared Scenarios
- 2016Thesis
Virtual Reality Menü Interaktion mit einer Smartwatch
- 2016Publication
A Hybrid Sound Model for 3D Audio Games with Real Walking
- 2016Publication
ImmersiveDeck: A large-scale wireless VR system for multiple users
- 2015Publication
Walking in Virtual Reality: Flexible Spaces and Other Techniques
- 2015Publication
Mutual Proximity Awareness in Immersive Multi-User Virtual Environments with Real Walking
- 2015Thesis
Evaluation of a hybrid sound model for 3D audio games with real walking